"... when you were dead in your sins... God made you alive..."
- Colossians 2:13
"...present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life..."
- Romans 6:13

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I am referred to as pastor, student, teacher, son, brother, and redeemed sinner. My name is Nathan... and this is my blog.

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Big Questions, Round 2 (part three): Old Testament Faith in Christ

How were the people in the Old Testament made right with God?

Before I thought it was through faith in God in general, and perhaps sacrifices. Then I listened to Mark Driscoll preaching over Genesis. He said that all the Old Testament people who were faithful also believed in Jesus.

The only things I have found that seem to support the idea that the Old Testament patriarchs had faith in Christ is 1 Peter 1:10-12.  Also, I found several predictions and prophecies about Jesus, the Messiah. Maybe the Old Testament prophets knew Jesus would come, and it was their job to tell other people.

Also, Luke 24:25-26 says that the whole Bible is about Jesus. But, did the people in the Old Testament know that?

About Abraham: it is clear that he was made right with dad by faith… but faith in who/what?
-       Galatians 3:8 says that God told Abraham the gospel by telling him that the nations would be blessed through him.
- Did Abraham know this was because of his offspring (Jesus)?
- Romans 4 seems to suggest that Abraham's faith was in God and his promise. 
- John 8:56 says that Abraham rejoiced that he would see Jesus’ day.
Please let me know what you think and also if there are other helpful Scripture passages to read about this. 
Thank you for your questions - you’re thinking and working through some really deep stuff, and I’m both excited and impressed by the way you’re looking to God to teach you what he has told his children.

To answer your question, our ancient ancestors were made right with God because of Jesus.  They knew him (not necessarily by name, but they knew him nonetheless) and had an assurance – though they didn’t see him - [see Hebrews 11] in who he was going to be.  So folks were made right with dad because of our big brother and what he did.  It’s that assurance of things unseen that let them be right with dad.

This topic is discussed in Romans 3:21-26 and Hebrews 11.  It says that Moses chose to trust Christ and endure the shame of being one of God’s people rather than be rich in his comfortable palace as an Egyptian (Hebrews 11:26).  But remember, Jesus (although he existed eternally past) hadn’t been born as a man yet.  So something else was going on.  Which leads me to Romans 3:21-26.  It says Jesus died so that he could save us from our sins and make us right with God, but also to prove that God was a just judge.  What I’m getting at is that Jesus died not only so we could know God, but also to show that God was a righteous God.  Because if what we know about God from Romans 3:25 is true, and if Jesus didn’t die, then God wouldn’t be just – he would allow sin and disobedience to go on without punishing them, which isn’t justice.  There are lots of other places where this concept is, but it’s mostly in Romans, especially chapter 5.  Look into Ephesians 2 also.

I think Driscoll is right – our Christian forefathers have always believed in Jesus.  If you look at Genesis 3:15 it’s the first time Jesus is mentioned (the seminary word for this is “proto-evangelion”).  It says that Eve would have ‘seed’ which is a reference to a single male child... But it’s weird because women don’t have seed – men do.  And this seed would grow up and kill the serpent (the devil) but it would hurt Jesus too (i.e. ‘bruise his heel’).  So when Jesus died, that was the bruising – it was a seeming victory for the serpent, but ultimately it killed him because Jesus crushed him in the same act.  The rest of the stories leading up to the New Testament and Jesus talk about him being a king, a servant, etc. - like in Isaiah 53 and 2 Samuel 7:12.  There are many stories about Jesus in all of those books, and it’s really cool to read about him.  Jesus even says so himself – John 5:39, and Luke 24:27 among others.

I believe Abraham did believe in God’s promise, which was Christ Jesus, the Messiah.  When you mentioned Galatians 3:8 you’re exactly right.  Those Old Testament prophets all speak of Jesus coming to earth – God in the flesh.  So you’re right on the mark there.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is that dad says (in Romans 3.21-26) that Jesus died for all of the sins that God had overlooked from previous generations.  He withheld his judgment because he knew Jesus was coming and would absorb that wrath and punishment.  So God knew that even though they weren’t punished for disobeying, the punishment would fall on the shoulders of Christ.


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